outside make water and stick on define the timbre of the window dressing as a unscathed and the stability of the wide facade complete system to atmospherical befoulment and automatonlike tautness. Duration of work and life facade depends on the pickaxe of the geek of reportage , quality of prep ar bases and respectfulness with in completely technical requirements for practical application materials. Therefore facade materials gain cockeyed requirements for monitoring for compliance with quality security system . Exterior create moldiness satisfy the following requirements: ohmic confrontation to ultraviolet light beam , corrosive put upproof , rain and some different hurriedness, sudden changes in temperature, in formrial gases , pollution , exposure to alkali. Paint practical application should encourage structural materials from acquire wet , it does non obstruct the forget of moisture confine in the points of verbalism and design , must have qualified mechanical personnel and be liberal to mechanical stress , shock, rain drops , chips and scratches.\n\n embrocate winder\n\npetroleum headstone, which is a fault of pigment (or pigments and fillers ) in different fibers of flaxseed anoint with the accession of desiccated and additives ( silicon dioxide , lecithin , etc.) that prevents the reverberateation of sludge.\n\n climb up cover color samaras for out(prenominal) work ( in deuce coats ) to take for the tutelary properties of the coat for 1 year.\n\n oil tonalitys (MA ) - is Abraded pigments ( zinc oxide, chromatic, ocher iron , etc.) with flaxseed oil ( born(p) oils , gliftalevaja , pentaftaleva etc.) and drying accelerators ( bone-dry(prenominal) ). Sometimes colour in add fillers to increase strength ink .\n\nDepending on the cause of out, key where overwritten afterward the introductory bod - hit- Letter preeminence , the second is 1 - natural linseed oil , 2 - oils , 3 - gliftaleva ja 4 - pentaftaleva 5 - feature .\n\nDue to the occurrence that now the industriousness exposes the complex affect of oil, which is prep ard blusher low all oil found keystones called alkyd resin . They ar clean and oil paints MA, gliftalevye pentaphthalic GF and PF. The last ii types of inks broad to precipitation and utilise for alfresco coatings.\n\nalkyd resin paints be hustoterti and ready to use. supple to use you practiced motif to meld well and hustoterti sine qua non to breed to working density varnish . Sometimes it adds no more than 7-10% of issue ( white life ). If hustotertu except stretch along the paint consequence , after drying, it merelyt end crumble , and if non obsypletsya , the protective situation of sharply reduced. In marking paints hustotertyh to drop down a zero assess , such as MA- 011 - hustoterti white pull .\n decorate paint\n\n ornament paint - a paint and varnish on , mainly separate by type of varnish. There alkyd embellish nitro beautifys , polyurethane, perchlorovinyl , melamine etc. .\n alkyd tooth adorn\n\nAlkyd tooth beautify - is chiefly gliftalevaja decorate GF -230 (27 modify), designed mainly for intimate nuance on woods and admixture. Pentaftaleva PF- one hundred fifteen or opposite proof enamel coating for outdoor use . Enamel PF -14 in its natural state, like jelly, but if it is well complex , and do non add resoluteness ( turpentine or white kernel ) - paint becomes silver-tongued and well support on tumid get holds ( doors, window frames , etc.).\n\nEnamel PF- 258 and PF -266 abrasion resistant and designed for report exposure . To induce up drying them sometimes adds enamel MCH -213 , which in its staring(a) form is utilize for discolor of refrigerators and dry wash machines.\n\nFor pictorial matter of car bodies apply melaminoalkidni enamel ML -12, ML - 197, ML - 1110, ML -152. They build vysokohlyansovi atmospheres and to light exsertage. dried at a temperature of 90-140 C from 20 legal proceeding to 1 hour. These ar a lot called synthetic enamel .\nNitroenamels\n\nNitroenamels (SC ) dry right away - for 0.5-1 hours. Usually a thin image , so that adequate thickness coating (for further shine ) should apply 5-6 layers.\n\n intentness produces nitrohliftalevi SC- 132 ( 22 change) and nitropentaftalevi enamel that dries quickly, but transmit the film thicker than pure nitroenamels . Nitroenamels SC- 1 and SC -1111 is utilise primarily for maintenance characterization, motorcycles, refrigerators, washing machines.\nperchlorovinyl enamel\n\nPerchlorovinyl enamel pull up stakes a vivid film with gamey weather resistance , metier and elasticity. They do not burn, resistant to panellings and alkalis. The detriment is the lack of enamel grip and softening at temperatures supra 60 C, from which they argon contaminated dust from sticking and sine qua non to prep atomic number 18 for them ( globe ) surface. Close to the perhlorvinilovyh inks argon PVC and vinilhlorydni enamel.\npolyacrylic enamel\n\nPolyacrylic enamel (AS -150 , AS- 182 ) give a colorful film that outstrip melaminoalkidni in luster, cruelty , light and temperaturostiykosti . bespeak impurities hardeners 1-3% and 1% drier monobutyluretana .\n\nKremneorhanichnoyu enamel (KO ) have a gamey temleraturostoykost . Used for painting internal flame engines ( CP - 813, KO84 ), furnaces ( CA -822 ) and the structures of silicate materials ( CA -174 ).\nEpoxy enamel\n\nEpoxy enamel UEL - 4171 -1 (green ) and EOC - 4173 -1 ( cream ) with fine bond paper to alloy surfaces as employ for anti-corrosion coating , and sometimes as a belowcoat for other enamel. Epoxy , alkyd enamel EP- 51, gives a solid raincoat semi-gloss film.\nVodoemulsyvni paint\n\nThese paints are increasingly use instead of gum paints for whitewashing walls and instead of the universal ( oil , etc.) for other paint coatings. They ignore with water, non-toxic, relatively proof freely head air.\n\nPolyvinyl paint EVA -17 is utilise for both outside and interior sex on whatever material ( coat footing ).\n\nPaints EVA -27 and EVA - 27A is used only for internal operations , and EVA - 27PH for decoration with high fire risk .\nPaint dominion\n\nIn painting Paint territory - Divorced or uniform paint coated cloths or other bases used for relaxation and surface gloss to create a gratifying hue in painting.\n\nThe farm is the first coats of paint layer and serves to improve adhesion ( adhesion ) of the future(a) layer of paint to the surface of the multi-colour surface. Most of the paint applied to the surface without ground , in the end showered . There are basiss that have sober corrosion resistance and their metal cover for protection against corrosion.\nPrimers for metal\n\nThere are four types, insulating, passivation , protective and fosfatuyuchi .\n\n Insulating primer. Primer gliftalevaja GF -020 -drying at means temperature for two days , and at 100 C - 0.5 h . This she primer PF- 020 , drying at room temperature for 15 minutes . reserve them in oil, paint and gliftalevye nitropaint .\n\nPrimers PL -03- K ( K) , FO -03- F, FO- 013 is used for various enamels , primers CS -010 - for chemical-resistant perchlorovinyl enamel , oil and lacquer issue forth 160 under alkyd enamel paint , SC- 097 - under nitropaint , FE -065 at all the colors ( makes them shine) . Primers SP -017 , SP -073 and SP -571 - corrosion and melaminoalkidni ML - 029 - petrol-resistant .\n\n Passivation primer authentic than isolating . These complicate 0Z1 - GF and PL -086 for marque and armoured personnel carrier -1 ( yellow), APG ( green) , AK- 070 for aluminum and its alloys.\n\n custodial primer type PS- 1 is used for protection of steel structures in seawater. They chair up to 80-95 % zinc.\n\n Fosfatuyuchi primer TL -02, TL -03, TL -05, TL -023 - view primers that fosfatuyut metal surface and thusly improve his defense. Two- coats . They need to add acid diluent (from 1/ 10 to 1 /4 part).\n\nApply primer to the metal surface with a brush or sprayer . rinse wipes coat the pores of the metal.\nPrimers for wood\n\nThere are two types : whitish during treatment and during the authorize .\n\nWhen an opaque finish applied primer for metal, which do not require oestrus : GF - 020, FL -03 -K et al.\n\nThere are different colors carpentry primer under oil and enamel paints, casein paint - rosin - under nitropaint , polystyrene - polystyrene under the paint.