
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Religious Extremism, Drug Addiction: Two of the greatest threats to civilization

Of the many problems facing society, few ring a tone as drug addiction and religious extremism. Not only are their numbers increasing, but so is the money in their pockets and with each new member comes more hunger and desire. But what is it they to need consume? What is it they need to perform? What drives these hordes of religious fanatics on their quest for heaven? How could something such as religion be turned into something so murderous? What hurls forward streams of addicted zombies on their thirst for a disease called drugs?In my opinion the two most important question are who are they and what the dangers they pose? Religious extremists can be described as the following: armed terrorists who believe that through their acts they are enforcing God’s will. Religious extremist have a sinister agenda, which is based on their fanatical interpretation of religion that they wish to fulfill. All around the world religious fundamentalists believe that their understanding of reli gion is correct and moral, which drives them to commit violent acts to enforce their will.But where in any holy book of any religion would you find it written that killing innocent people is the road to heaven? The last time I checked such actions came under the one way ticket to hell section. If you look at your average human beings, whether they are devout followers of their particular religion or not, you will find that they do not go around carrying AK 47s or M16s and shooting whoever strays from the â€Å"path of God†. Unfortunately groups such as the Taliban and AL Qaeda believe that their acts of terror are holy and justifiable, which is why they are a very serious threat to society.This menace that comes in the form of violence is persistent enemy that has no shame or feeling. This reminds me of how Templar Knights shouted â€Å"God wills it† before they murdered women and children during the Crusades and how a Taliban fighter would scream â€Å"God is greatâ €  before he blows himself up. This blind belief that God blesses these inhumane actions makes religious fundamentalists a very determined and ruthless enemy of us all. Meanwhile, a drug addict just wants to get high and can offer no real explanation for this impulsive hunger other than it â€Å"feels good†.They simply take a drug then they want another and another and yet another. This endless frenzy rages on for apparent reason, which begs the question why did they become addicts in the first place? Drug addicts have money to spend and what better way to throw it away and have fun than on marijuana. Yes, fun this elusive feeling, which addicts believe can be only experienced in the highest quality through drugs. There are some who try to put a more humane spin on this point, as they claim that some addicts are just sick people who are suffering from the pressures of life.To those people I say that there are numerous ways to tackle depression and one of the most effective methods is to go see a doctor. Such people use drugs to lift the burden of the world off their shoulders and to ensure they fulfill their essential desire to feel good. Unlike the religious fundamentalists addicts pose a more social threat to civilization. All around the world communities have become centered on drugs, whether it is the selling of drugs or the consumption of it, and are thus fit uneasily with the outside world. Now do the rest of us wish for the global community to be the same?I think not, but the danger is very real. Furthermore, the origins of these two calamities are very different. Religious extremisms’ roots stem from the long standing problem of ignorance, as from the first day of every religion there were those who took a wrong turn somewhere. Their lack of understanding of the world fills such individuals with hatred, and when you combine hatred with ignorance you get religious fundamentalists. For example, the Klu Klux Klan, who out of contempt atta cked anyone who was not of the same skin colour or religion.On the other hand, drug addiction is a symptom of modern society, with all of its crazy ideas that are welcomed just because they are new. Unlike the religious fanatics whose ignorance has haunted us for the last thousand years, addicts are a new enrolment in the filth of the world club and their ideologies behind their actions differ from the fundamentalists. In our modern age there is a desire to senselessly carry out new activities with no regard of the consequences. All of the good things we have come up with were not enough.We had to have different types of addictions, such as loss of life trying to conquer mountains for no sensible purpose and countless other â€Å"new things†. As a result we have to contend with drug related violence all around the world, which is highlighted by the drug war in Mexico and the rise of armed gangs making profits off cocaine and heroin in South America. This goes to show the dang ers addicts pose to civilization at large. However, these two abominations of nature have one thing in common, which is that they are both addicted to something.Religious fanatics are hypnotized by their quest for heaven and can see nothing else. Not only are they blinded by their beliefs, they are hell bent to drag everyone down. They see no alternative for their obscene acts and strive to influence the way others live. While, their cousins the addicts feel that each time they take drugs they go to the Garden of Eden. They live on the fringes of society with their illusions of how we should follow in their path and â€Å"feel good†. Both of these groups minds’ are cloaked by an addiction that isolates them form the real world, as they live in their own fantasy dream land.In religious extremism and drug addiction we have two very serious threats to our society, which are ever increasing in magnitude. Religious fanatics have plagued us through the ages, while drug addic tion is the latest addition of the junk the modern age has brought us. If we do no step up our efforts in tackling these monstrosities we shall be engulfed by decay and chaos. The means that we would require to end these thorns in our modern civilization’s side, but the outcome should be the same. Total annihilation, as we cannot move forward while we are hindered by these public enemies.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hiv And Aids Problem In Nigeria Health And Social Care Essay

Nigeria ‘s communities are at hazard. The state ‘s population of more than 140 million people, stand foring extraordinary cultural and cultural diverseness, faces an HIV epidemic that could easy whirl out of control. Although the national HIV prevalence rate was cited at 4.4 % in NARHS 2005, this translated into more than 2.9 million people populating with the virus and in demand of services, and support, the 3rd highest load for HIV in the universe. Nationally, the sero prevalence rates of 4.4 % in 2005 translated to over 2.9 million people populating with the virus. This located Nigeria as holding the 3rd greatest load of people infected with HIV in the universe. Over the last two decennaries, the HIV epidemic in Nigeria has gone from impacting merely a few populations with higher-risk behaviours within a ‘concentrated ‘ epidemic in a few provinces, to a ‘generalized ‘ epidemic in many provinces.Size of job, how many people infected, cardinal population affected, chief path of transmittalLike many other states in Africa, HIV is most prevailing among the most productive members of society ( age 25-29 ) , with immature adult females, in peculiar, affected. This besides includes the sexually active age of which unprotected sex is the chief path of transmittal. The epidemic besides had a disproportional impact on adult females and misss in their generative old ages, with 4.9 % of pregnant adult females age 2 5-29 infected followed by adult females age 20-24 with 4.7 % . More alarming, 3.6 % of adult females age 15-19 were infected every bit good suggestion early sexual introduction. High and early birthrate among immature adult females across Nigeria ‘s vast and diverse state, suggests that many more kids will besides be infected as a consequence due to rear to child transmittal. Already, more than 1.2 million kids were reported to be infected in 2005. It was estimated that 75,780 new infections would happen among kids less than15 in 2006, with the figure of child-headed families increasing due to the decease of their parents. This indicates a greater demand to associate HIV within generative wellness services to make both adult females and work forces within the general population with more antiphonal household planning, HIV proving and comprehensive PPTCT services. It besides the demand to beef up holistic intercessions to protect vulnerable immature populations.Cultural/Social norms in your state and how they impact on the developing state of affairsThey include low hazard perceptual experience, multiple concurrent sexual spouses, informal transactional and intergeneration sex, gender inequalities, stigma and favoritism.Low hazard perceptual experienceThe NARHS 2005 showed that 67 % of Nigerians felt no hazard for HIV and merely 29 % perceived themselves to be at hazard for HIV. Even the IBBS S 2007 showed that MARPs did non perceive themselves as being personally at hazard for HIV, despite high HIV prevalence rates among FSWs, MSM and IDUs. Low hazard for HIV among Nigerians means that they are improbable to take calls for action to forestall HIV earnestly irrespective of high cognition about the virus.Multiple coincident spouses among work forces and adult femalesUnderliing multiple coincident partnerships are cultural norms that encourage polygamous r elationships, peculiarly among work forces. Common patterns of holding â€Å" indoors and outside married womans † and social norms that assume â€Å" all work forces are polygamous, promote work forces to hold multiple spouse to show their maleness. Even among formal polygamous relationships, where there is presumed greater protection, work forces and adult females were reportedly non ever remaining within the relationship. Women within polygamous relationship in rural countries were more likely to hold extra-marital personal businesss than among monogamously married adult females as a agency to economic security.Informal transactional and intergeneration sexThere is a great trade of grounds that many adult females, peculiarly immature adult females, are interchanging sex for gifts, favors, and money outside of a whorehouse scene. Womans who engage in informal transactional relationships are less likely to utilize rubbers than adult females in formal commercial sex counters .Gender inequalities that influence hazard behavior and bound entree to identify HIV and SRH servicesCultural norm in Nigeria, relegate adult females to a low-level function within matrimony and do it hard for adult females to negociate their right to safe sex or refusal of sex. This is compounded by a important age difference between hubby and married woman, peculiarly in polygamous relationships, which farther makes it hard for immature adult females to entree power in the relationship. Other cultural patterns including married woman heritage, traditional married woman sharing, early and forced matrimony, female Circumcision and sexual cleaning non merely increase adult females ‘s hazard for infection but besides farther undermine adult females ‘s right to autonomy and self finding.Stigma and favoritismStigma related to HIV keeps many people from reacting tp bar, attention and intervention intercessions for HIV. It prevents Nigerians from accessing HIV proving for frig ht of positive consequences, unwraping their Hiv position to their spouses, and consumption of bar of parent to child transmittal services, including safe eating of new born kids.How the cognition above might be used to undertake this job and cut down the spread of HIV/AIDSSee urban vs. rural differences in footings of entree to information, key services and literacy. Reduce reported multiple coincident spouses among all group Increase consistent and right rubber usage among all work forces and adult females who are sexually active, peculiarly among paid and insouciant spouses. Increase early STI sensing, intervention and patner presentment. Critically analyse cultural and gender values and beliefs that put work forces and adult females at hazard in their communities, and beef up male duty in generative wellness. Reduce reported stigma and favoritism among PLWHA Reduce reported high hazard cultural patterns. Reinforce rights of PLWH to hold positive but safe sexual relationships.DecisionBecause of the enormous diverseness within Nigeria ‘s population, it is clear that as contrivers, we need to look carefully at informations within our provinces in doing strategic programs every bit good as acknowledge the diverse needs for be aftering our response. In such a dynamic environment, it is besides of import to see the drivers of Nigeria ‘s epidemic to guarantee that programme contrivers stay in melody with future alterations in the epidemic ‘s growing. What is clear that there needs to be a co-ordinated, consonant response for bar attempts at all degrees to protect Nigeria ‘s communities? There is much that can be done. The fact that 95 % of Nigerians still remain HIV free is a enormous chance for bar attempts in our communities. Not merely is our combined strength and committedness key to contending the spread of the epidemic, most of us can make a great trade to forestall ourselves from going infected and fro distributing it to others. It is already apparent that Nigerians communities, at all degrees, have made of import paces to turn to the epidemic. The freshly launched National Prevention Plan besides strategically [ topographic points bar attempts, and within that, behaviour alteration communications as a precedence country for all spouses and has done much work to construct national consensus on the manner frontward.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Real World Experience #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Real World Experience #2 - Essay Example I am running a small business of ready-made dresses. I have hired some labor workers who are working at the back office while all the dealings at front office are conducted by me. From the last two months I have been observing that the quantity of the final dresses at the end of month is decreasing. Though the quality of the clothes and the work was same but problem was with the number of dresses. I was in trouble that if the quantity continues to decrease it will definitely adversely affect the sales and thus whole revenues will be disturbed. Now my focus was to find out the cause behind the fallen quantity of output product. After careful analysis of the workers I caught the reason. They were wasting their time in idol talking and many other such small activities which actually kills their valuable time but they were unknown to this fact. They had the potential to do more and in an enhanced quality but they were misusing their precious time. Now the responsibility came on my shoulders. I had to choose a middle way that will solve the problem and also employees may not feel anything bad about their work place behavior. I believe on performance management concepts very much. My opinion is that the incentives and bonuses really boost up the energy of the employees. And the research has also proved that the rewards really pump up the employees (Mayhew, 2013). So I did the same trick in my problem. I announced that the bonus which was given annually to the employees is now attached with the monthly performance of the employees. Every single employee will be rewarded more whose output is more than others. According to my opinion this would definitely work and by luck I got the best results. The output quantity was increased in the very next month because employees really work hard to earn more bonus reward. Therefore it

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What are the most useful insights that psychology has contributed to Essay

What are the most useful insights that psychology has contributed to the study of foreign policy - Essay Example er of a foreign policy†, according to Morgenthau, â€Å"can be ascertained only through the examination of the political acts performed and of the foreseeable consequences of these acts.† (1978:5). By this, not only the performance of the political leaders could be traced out, but also, from the predictable consequences the objectives of their acts can be surmised. Foreign policy, as a discipline, is as old as human society itself is, though as a study, it is the invention of eighteenth century. â€Å"Foreign policy practice does not come into language†, states Benedict Anderson (1991), â€Å"until Jeremy Bentham coins the term ‘international relations’ in the 18th century†. The world has emerged as an enormous global village in the contemporary era. No country on the planet can survive while living in a state of isolation or without interacting with other countries. In order to meet their everyday needs, all the countries seek out foreign assistance and support. Even the biggest economies of the world devise foreign policy to entail international markets, for not only acquiring raw material and sale their finished products according to their growing needs, but also they look for strategic bondage and diplomatic cohesion more emphatically. In addition, countries seek political, economic and technological backing for the uplift of their nation. Rationalism is the key to construct national and international strategy. Psychology, being one of the most significant disciplines and a vast phenomenon of analysing the mind and perception of an individual and his personality, has won appreciable popularity as the source of scientific examination of human behaviour. It not only determines individual’s attitude and behaviour, but also carries weight while estimating the policies of nations at large. A step taken by a sovereign while co-operating or conflicting with some other state(s) maintain some psychological aspects in its wake. This leads towards the formation of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

When I was a Kid.The most important piece of advice in my life Essay

When I was a Kid.The most important piece of advice in my life - Essay Example As a child I acted as if I was in my own little world and did not seem to care about anyone else. However, there is one memory that is so vivid in my mind because I remember it was the day when I received the most important piece of advice in all my life. My father said to me that it did not matter how many times I fell to the ground, but what was really important were the number of times I picked myself back up and continued on with the same determination that I once had as a young child. The first time I remember these words of advice coming in handy was when I joined my first soccer team. I was the smallest kid on the team and it showed through my lack of enthusiasm to tackle some of the other players. It did not matter to me that I was the smallest player because what I lacked in size I sure made up with grit and determination. Because of my stature within the team, both figuratively and literally, I had to work hard to even get noticed, whereas other players seemed to have a muc h easier job getting the attention of the coach. There was one time that I remember just like it was yesterday. I was sent onto the field to play a game during a thunderstorm. My team was trailing and I was expected to change the course of the game for my team. At one stage the ball fell to me right in front of the opposing goal but I slipped during the moment I had a chance to become a hero. I felt so disappointed that I had let the team down, but ultimately I was dismayed with myself. Even though the field was very slippery that day, I could not blame the poor weather conditions for falling to score the goal. I picked myself up and wiped all the dirt and mud off my face. As I was doing that, I could hear my father whisper those words of advice in my ear. I knew then that I had to make a choice, and I chose to forget about what happened and continue like the incident had never occurred. I threw myself at every ball that came near me and I was determined to turn the game around for my team. At the end of the game, we had turned things around. The game was won and I felt vindicated for choosing to forget about what happened and focus on the task at hand. As I was walking off the field, I glanced toward my father and saw him nod in approval. Another time where my father's words of advice proved invaluable was when I was failing some of my courses at school. I admit that I did not put in the effort required in order to do well, but this does not mean that I did not care about my schoolwork. I could have chosen the path of continuing to be toward the lower end of my class academically, but I decided to put in place some steps that would help me to improve my grades. First of all, I asked questions of the teachers whenever I was unsure about something or did not understand it fully. I began to take notes during class and I would go over them in my spare time. There were occasions when I even stayed back after school to study some of the subjects that I was doing po orly in. It took me about a semester to pull up my grades, but I think it was worth it in the end. There was a lot of hard work involved, and I had to change my attitude toward learning. Admitting weakness and seeking out improvement is not an easy thing to accomplish, but the words of my father helped me to see that I had the option of turning things around and that is what I did. Since I was a child, I would say that I am still similar in many ways; however, one thing that has changed has been that I am much more focuser now than I ever was. I have done this by setting achievable goals and then putting plans in motion that will help me to accomplish them. As my father once said, the times you fall are not important, it is only the times you get back up that

Working with the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgendered therapy Research Paper

Working with the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgendered therapy patient - Research Paper Example These challenges often end up impacting on the actual effectiveness of the therapeutic sessions. It is therefore important for counselors to find out as much information about his patients as possible. In working with lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered clients, this is not much different. The most information which can ensure effectiveness during therapy must be established. This paper shall discuss how counselors can effectively work with lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) clients. It shall synthesize research about the population and present the most important information about working with them. This study is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the LGBT and to ensure effectiveness of the counseling process. Discussion Gays and lesbian and other transgendered individuals often feel isolated from the rest of the world (Callahan, 2001). For the most part, they also have a poor self-image which often prompts them to hide their sexual orientation from the rest of society. They also try to fit into society by trying out conventional and accepted activities and actions for their gender (Callahan, 2001). For counselors working with teen LGBT, they must gather as much information as they can about homosexuality. ... In effect, some experts have expressed the need for counselors to gather up-to-date information about their gay students through a human sexuality course (Callahan, 2001). Such course may assist counselors in recognizing their possible roles involving their suicidal gay students and those going through similar mental breakdowns in relation to their sexuality. In working with LGBTs, it is also important for counselors to be their patients’ advocates, especially in the schools and the communities. Through this advocacy, it is possible to open up the lines of communication between the other students and the gay community – to help incorporate these individuals into mainstream society (Callahan, 2001). Counselors must also try their best to support and protect this sexual minority by creating a safe environment in which these students can enter. By making it safe for them to seek counseling, it is possible to increase the number of LGBTs seeking counseling and eventually he lp safeguard their mental health. In a study by Bartlett, et.al., (2001) the authors set out to establish the therapeutic approaches taken by contemporary psychotherapists and psychoanalysts in relation to their gay and lesbian clients. They were able to establish that gays and lesbians seeking psychoanalytic therapy in the National Health Service for personal reasons would have difficulties finding gay therapists if they want one. This study also established that clients may often encounter overt or covert bias, including the pathologisation of homosexuality (Bartlett, et.al., 2001). In a paper by Godfrey, et.al., (2006) the authors set out to determine the knowledge, experiences, and values that therapists must possess in order to ensure quality therapy services for gays,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparing internet search engines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing internet search engines - Essay Example Excite does have such categorization; however the classification with regard to sponsored links and common links are not evident from the search engine. The usability of Alta Vista is larger than Excite. Page layout is better in Alta Vista than Excite. It scores better in usability as per Neilson (2007) which stresses on white background and blue in the pages. The standard links in blue also make a large impact in determining the visibility of the links on the white background. Use of wildcards is quite evident in Alta Vista which is one of the prime features in this search engine. The use of wild cards would not result in any search help in Excite as the feature is not visible. The proximity of searching is done for fetching the closest words near to the meaning of the words to be searched. The idea is to search the relative keywords for the words supplied for searching. The feature of large importance is the search results. It is justified in case of Excite to have so less search results, that the connector element is OR, so it puts an OR clause between every keyword which makes it vulnerable to search less. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of Excite. On the other hand, Alta Vista puts an AND clause in between the words to search the topic and ensure that all the various searches are enlisted at large. This provides a very close match for the topic. The page payout is simple and search results are faster in Alta vista in spite of its display of million records. In comparison, some of the links and features like the drop down button at the top left corner of the Excite search give an error page. Hyperlinks follow standard HTML conventions; they are blue and underlined providing clarity to the user. Links are self-describing and adhere to the heuristic guideline speak the users language (Singh, 2003). A point of difference is that, Excite uses other search engines for displaying content and this is evident from the option it

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Educationn Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Educationn - Research Paper Example She was supposed to read the essay in one hour. The first section involved four open ended reflective questions on the topic, which the students was required to answer without referring to any sources. The time allocated for this section was twenty minutes. The second section involved five short answer questions where the student was given a total of twenty-five minutes to refer to the article and class notes and provide the answers in writing. As the student attempted the second section of the questions, the teacher moved about attempting to analyse she was behaving as well as her working patterns. The last section involved one essay question on the same topic that Joan was supposed to research on and write a comprehensive essay in a period of one hour. A stopwatch was provided so that the student could time herself. The teacher then checked the work of the student and later facilitated discussion on each question during the next session. This paper is a report on the findings on re ading capability of Joan as well as recommendations. The testing was done on 21 May 2012 after which a discussion with the teacher was done the following day. After the test, the teacher also tried to research more on Joan’s performance in other subjects as well as her reading habits at home. Joan is an eighth grade student. The history teacher realized that Joan had a reading problem and decided to analyse it. Her problem was on reading speed and the much time she took to conceptualize facts. However, Joan always tried to finish her assignments and hand them in time. She is an average student but appears to have difficulties especially during exams when she cannot finish examinations in time. According to her parents, Joan does not schedule much time for reading and rarely reads novels or storybooks. Generally, Joan has a good attitude toward learning and tries to put many efforts in her work. Her visual capability appeared normal as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry Research Proposal

Effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry - Research Proposal Example Introduction The main objective of this research is to explore the best and unexplored potential in the people and the existing system of the local Qatari transportation company and its surroundings in order to solve the underlying problems and obstacles in strategic operational areas. The changing systems within and outside the local Qatari transportation company are required to be studied in order to explore the underlying deficiencies in the area of operation of the transportation company through the process of unconditional and positive inquiry. The three important research questions that would be considered in the appreciative inquiry of the local Qatari transportation company are given: RQ1: How can Appreciative Inquiry prove to be effective? RQ2: What did Appreciative Inquiry hope to achieve? RQ 3: According to different stakeholders, were the anticipated goals achieved? The addressing of such areas of deficiency would help to fix the underlying problems in an efficient way th at was never thought before. Theoretical framework Appreciative Inquiry is a method of conducting an inquiry through the framing of a questionnaire and asking such questions to the stakeholders of the organization in order to search for the underlying problems and difficulties in the areas of operation, finance, human resource and associated areas. The objective of appreciative inquiry is to identify the areas of deficiency of the organization through unconditional positive statements and then analyzing the collected information through inquiry in order to determine the organizational deficiencies that are required to be solved. Appreciative inquiry studies the changing internal and external conditions involving the people, process and the communities and also explores the best potential of the organizational components that have never been explored and could be used to solve the organizational deficiencies. The art and practice of asking positive questions in an appreciative inquir y which is the subject of the research question enable the organization to anticipate the areas of concern and increase the positive potential in order to cope up with the problems. The identification of the areas of organizational concern and the exploration of the best potential of the resources in the changing systems of the organization helps to increase the operational efficiency (Tiem and  Rosenzweig, 2006, p.88). For example, in the local Qatari transportation company appreciative inquiry hopes to achieve performance efficiency by using the unexplored potential of the people and the process as well the external supporting systems for the organization. The appreciative inquiry lays the foundation for fulfillment of the anticipated goals for the shareholders. Appreciative inquiry brings about sudden changes in the process for improving operational efficiency that were never envisaged before the inquiry. Proposed methods The proposed method of conducting the research includes collection of data with the help of a designed questionnaire. In the paper qualitative research methodology has been selected mainly because it is less time consuming and less costly. The data required for quantitative analysis may be flawed and this will not lead to flawless conclusion. The questionnaire would contain unconditional positively framed questions which focus on the research perspective of appreciative inquiry. The data would be collected through self administered questionnaires with 50

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Audit of Panera Bread Company Quality Service and Market Share Process Research Paper

Audit of Panera Bread Company Quality Service and Market Share Process - Research Paper Example This is because, few customers subscribe to this company and, therefore, the expenses incurred by the company compared to the revenue generated from the services rendered is relatively high. In order to decrease its liabilities, and hence portray a positive image of the company, managers may attempt to take the losses into a different account especially the expenses accounts. In addition, when customers are disappointed in the orders they make, there is a higher possibility of them demanding that their order be remade or refunded. This environment provides the possibility of pilfering by employees as they can always say they had to remake an order with no hint of plausibility. Increased customer returns and higher rates of pilfering by the employees increases the costs of goods sold by the company. Another risk is that Panera Bread is in the provision of services it offers on a national, regional, and local level, and this reduces its revenues and market share. When customers get poo r services, it increases their chances of shifting to another competing company offering the same services. This reduces the amount of revenue and the company incurs expenses such as, in advertising and improving its services to be better than those offered by their competitors. However, the company must make sure not to increase its prices since the customers will again shift to the competing companies. Since advertising is necessary, the managers then tend to hide the expenses behind the advertising expense in the statement of account. Controls To alleviate the risks coming from poor services, Panera Bread should put into practice several controls. The company, to alleviate the risk of accounts payable being understated, as a result of increased expenses and, therefore, managers resulting to understating the expenses, should require proper authorisation of orders and entry of these orders in its ledger. The company should establish regular receipt book control, and ledger book to help reduce the irregularities. In a bid to entice customers, advertising is done. A control on this should also be enacted where the company should ensure that there are supporting documents any time a manager books an advertising expense. It should also provide an appropriate division of duties such that a manager does not fake any advertising expenses. The company, to deal with the risks of losing its customers, can offer differentiated services from those that it normally offers. This can be done through, introducing offers, for example, ‘buy one get two’. Also, the maintenance of a serene environment can also be an advantage. This increases the influx of customers thereby solving the problem of managers faking expenses to reduce the liabilities since the revenue will increase in the long run. Audit Objectives During this audit, I plan to test the accuracy and the valuation of the contingent liability for losses associated with poor services, the completeness of pur chases and accounts payable and the existence of advertising expenses. Risk Assessment As a result, many emerging enterprises, especially in the food service industry, restaurants are always searching for ways of increasing their profits: Therefore, I assessed natural risk throughout all financial assertions. Moreover, the contingent liability is an estimation and, therefore, at a high risk of manipulation by the managers. The controls around the accounts payable

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Methods of Job Analysis and Job Design in the HR Function Essay Example for Free

The Methods of Job Analysis and Job Design in the HR Function Essay There aren’t many differences in job descriptions for an Employment Assistant example in my text and the Marketing Account Representative position at Alliance Worldwide on Monster.com. The job description for the Employment Assistant position is summarized and straight to the point. Instead of providing the company’s history, the job description actually describes the position. In the Human Resources Management department, the selected individuals must perform professional HR work such as employee recruitment and selection, maintaining files, and other duties. In this position, you must work under general supervision as well. The Marketing Account Representative position is a little different. The description for this position is mostly the history of the company such as willing to hire candidates at an entry-level position and training them into Branch Management. There are different position titles between this entry-level position, and with each promotion, you will be an expert in your previous field and entry-level in another, maintaining a teacher and student mentality. One of the differences is the responsibilities between being in Human Resources Management than a Marketing Representative is that there weren’t any business opportunities available. The job opportunities for Marketing Representatives at Alliance Worldwide are presented immediately upon hiring. Some of the opportunities includes developing entry-level skills and gradually grow to train others. Despite of the different job descriptions of these two positions, each job includes a great deal of education, hard work and training, and the ability to perform.

Sample Business Plan Essay Example for Free

Sample Business Plan Essay Designing business plan needs critical thinking, innovative concept, intelligent interactions, and positive attitude among colleagues. It is a partnership business of Janessa Johanne T. Ramos and Marie Jessica M. Bustos as a starting point for their career as entrepreneurs of the Republic of the Philippines. It is named Pilipinong Sarap Catering Delights because it has a dual purpose, to cater on-premise and off-premise. Also, we would like our clients to be delighted with the services, food, and the ambiance of the establishment. It’s a kind of service where we will be able to meet the satisfaction of the clienbts through simple, pleasurable and joyful service. We also mainly serve Filipino cuisine. That’s why we called it Pilipinong Sarap because we offer the Filipino favorite dishes. Pilipinong Sarap Catering Delights is located at Prime Square, F. Torres St. , Davao City. Our business is accessible for the customers since our location is located near bars, coffee shops and some other restaurant. Our catering service will be available from 9:00am to 10:00pm as our restaurant will open by 5:00pm to 2:00am. Product and Services Our business is a dual-restaurant that offers catering services on all occasions. We also offer dine-in area where food can be served in the buffet or ala carte orders. We offer Filipino dishes, cakes and pastries, desserts, and beverages. For the meantime, as a starting business, we will be catering a maximum of 100 pax. As a catering business, we will provide food, well and prompt service in supporting professionals, other businesses and social activities of large groups of people like birthdays, weddings, family reunion and other occasions. As Filipinos, we will be serving Filipino favorites like kinilaw, kare-kare, sinigang, barbeques, and a lot more Filipino cuisines. In the near future, we might be able to provide delivery and pick-up as alternatives during all hours of work week. There will also be additional food and menu choices for our customers. This also helps our customers ease of access to our business and improve satisfactory rate.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Macro Perspective On Basf Chemical Company Commerce Essay

The Macro Perspective On Basf Chemical Company Commerce Essay To start, here is the macro perspective on BASF Chemical Company. BASF is one of the leading chemical companies in the world, like this BASF is influenced by many political and economical factors. Different laws and regulations determine the production of the company. Moreover, the technological factor has hardly influence in this area of chemical production, where the innovations are leading force. In addition, the main mission of the company is to create chemistry for the sustainable future. Consequently, BASF Company has a lot of strategic methods to achieve its goals. This report has some objectives. To start, one of the main objectives of the report is to analyze BASF Company. To show the strengths and opportunities of the company`s future development. On the other hand, this report presents the weaknesses and threats of the company, for which it gives advice to make BASF more successful. In other words, this report aims to gives advice to BASF Company how to improve its internal and external situation. The following information was collected for this report. For collecting of information were used two main research methodologies. First, secondary research was done on micro and macro environment of BASF Company, for which the main source was used internet. Second, the primary research was done by conducting an interview with Mrs. Sengel, who is member of Executive Board of the company. The report has the fallowing structure. In chapter two, BASF Company and its product line are shown. In chapter three, the project`s description and aim are explained. Chapter four of the report is the Theoretical Framework of the report, in which the McKinsey`s seven S model, PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are theoretically described. In chapter five and six, PEST analysis and McKinsey`s seven S model are attached to collected information. PEST analysis is used to analyze BASF`s eternal environment, while the McKinsey`s model is used to analyze BASF`s internal organization. In chapter seven, is shown SWOT analysis based on the collected information. In chapter eight the conclusions based on the analyses are drawn. In chapter nine, recommendations for company improvement are given. In chapter ten, this report is critically appraised. 2. Company description 2.1 General Company Information Here is general information about BASF Company. BASF is the leading chemical company, which chemicals are used in almost all industries. The production of the company is separate in six different segments: Chemicals, Plastics, Performance Products, Functional Solution, Agricultural Solution and Oil Gas. BASF like an International company has 70 global and regional business units around the world. The department in Germany is thoroughly oriented in produce of Performance Products. BASF combine economic success, social responsibility and environment protection. The main mission of the company is to create chemistry for a sustainable future. BASFs 111, 141 employees, located all over the world, help the company to achieve its goals. BASF is market oriented in four main areas: Europe, North America, South America and Asia. In 2011, the most sales are made in Europe and company`s annual turnover amounted to 73, 5 billion Euros. 2.2 Product Description Germany`s department of BSAF has a broad range of products. The main segment is called Performance Products, which includes the fallowing product lines: Dispersions and Pigments, Care Chemicals, Nutrition and Health, Paper Chemicals and Performance Chemicals. The product portfolio of the company in this segment includes vitamins and foods additives, ingredients for pharmaceuticals and for hygiene, home and personal care items. Examples are products for hair care, sun and decorative care, body care, facial and oral care. The company does not offer products to the final client. BASF develop and sale molecules, catalysts and ingredients to the other companies which use this things for manufactures of products for final client. These things are not end- product; they are intermediate products which go to other steps of the production process. 3. Project description This chapter will give project description. The chapter will be separate in tree sub chapters, which will describe project description, project aim and research approach. 3.1 Project description This sub chapter will show the project description. To start, BASF is one of the leading chemical companies on the world market. In this market there is a big competition. Firstly, the future opportunity for the company is to create new products. Secondly, to find new market`s possibilities. Thirdly, one of the most important things in this branch is innovation. On the whole, to achieve its goals, BASF have to understand its own strengths and weaknesses. 3.2. Project aim The purpose of this sub chapter is to explain the project aim. For this project was collected information about external and internal environment of BASF Company. The aim of this project is to understand the company`s situation based on McKinsey 7S analysis, PEST and SWOT analysis and based on it to give recommendations about BASF`s future development. Furthermore, to show BASF`s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In other words, these are most important factors which describe present situation and future possibilities for one organization. 3.3 Research approach To start, for analysis of BASF Company`s present situation are used two research methods. First, the primary research was done by conducting an interview with Mrs. Sengel, who is member of Executive Board of the company. This information is used for internal analysis of the company. Second, the external environment is analyzed by secondary research method. This includes McKinsey 7S analysis and PEST analysis. Thirdly, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are described with use of SWOT analysis. In conclusion, all of collected information is used to give recommendations of the company, about its future development. *The world can be seen in the Glossary 4. Theoretical framework The purpose of chapter four is to show the theoretical framework of internal and external analysis. Hence, the real companys situation will be shown. First, in sub-chapter 4.1 will be shown the internal analysis- McKinsey 7S model. The model include seven elements, which are separated in so called hard S`s Strategy, Structure and Systems and four so called soft S`s Shared Values, Skills, Staff and Style. Second, in 4.2 will be discusse the external PEST analysis. In other words, Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological factors that influence the company will be include. Finally, in 4.3 SWOT- overview of the company will be given. 4.1 Internal analysis Figure 1: McKinsey 7S model 7S.gif Source: 7S strategy software In this paragraph will be shown the so called hard S`s of McKinsey 7S model. Firstly, Strategy describes actions and plans of an organization to achieve specific goals. The external environment influences the company and its strategy. Thus the enterprise prepares to adapt on changes and to determine the right place among customer and competitors. Secondly, Structure describes the hierarchy of the company. It shows the relationships between the people which work in the organization. It can be seen on the organization chart. It always depends from the business strategy, form the business internationalization, size and diversity. The third S from so called hard Ss is Systems. Systems are all procedures which company uses to operate every day. This includes internal and external procedures. Systems are directly related to the Structure and Strategy of the company, because they describe the main practices of the organization to achieve its goals (Cuypers 2010, 3-9). The soft S from McKinsey 7S model, which will be given in this paragraph includes Shared Values, Skills, Staff and Style. Peters and Watermans (1984) argued that shared Values in 7S analysis determine the core guiding principles of the company. Moreover, it refers to what an organization stands for and believes in. Understanding the Shared Values of the company is the easiest way to find the main ideas and goals of the enterprise. To achieve these goals helps Skills. Skills are the unique abilities of the company. Skills describe the capacity and quality of the company in contrast with the competitors. It refers to the learned capability of staff within the company. Very important here is quality of the products and services within the organization. These things are related with the Staff and Style of the company. Staff refers to the number and type of people employed by the company. However, staff describes the processes used to manage the careers of employees. It is related to the Style, because it is directly dependent on the human resources system that manage the way staff is encourage, reward and motivate. Style is the work culture. It is describe the main way in which senior managers run the organization. It is related to the system that influences the procedures in the company. The most important things that style describes are how managers allocated their time, beliefs and their leadership skills. The main factors are the size and the structure of the organization which determines how different departments inside of the company are managed (Spencer, 2011). 4.2 External analysis In the first place, every organization depends on the political factors. Political factors include government regulations and legal issues. The political factors define the structure of the company and the rules under which the company must operated. It depends on the structure, because in the different countries the trade restrictions, tariffs, tax policy and employment laws are not the same (Oxford University Press, 2004). The second factor which directly influences every kind of company or organisation is the economic factor. The economic environment consist different factors, for example income and income distribution, current and project economic growth, inflation and interest rate. This environment can offer to the company both opportunities and threats. Understanding of economic environment determined the company development (Oxford University Press, 2004). Thirdly, the company is influenced by social factors. This lifestyle trends and demographic changes determined the consumer behavior. The main purpose of every company is to understand which exactly are the consumers wants and needs. If social-cultural changes are clear, it is easier for the company to developing strategies and practices to achieve its goals (Oxford University Press, 2004). Finally, in these days, one of most important factors which influence the company is technological environment. This is the most dramatic and the fastest development factor. These are forces that create new technologies, products and market opportunities. In the world of technology, the company has to be open and prepare for new opportunities (Oxford University Press, 2004). 4.3 SWOT According to Berry, the SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organizations. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (Berry, 2012). Strengths are internal capabilities that may help the company to reach its objectives; in contrast weaknesses may interfere for that. This includes understanding of the internal environment or the situation inside of the company or organisation. The factors which determined the straightness and weaknesses of the company are tend to be in the present. Factors are relating to products, pricing, quality, staff and processes within the company. With understanding of these factors the company may understand the unique selling proposition and how to improve it (Berry, 2012). Opportunities and threats are related with the external environment which shows the situation outside of the company or organisation. Here, the factors tend have to be in future. Factors here are relating with markets opportunities fashions, trends, seasonability, politics, society, competitors and every other external factor which influence the company. With understanding of opportunities company is able to exploit the external factors to its advantage. Threats are negative factors that may challenge the company`s performance (Berry, 2012). 5. External analysis This chapter explains the external environment analysis PEST. The chapter is divided into four sub charters. Firstly, sub chapter 5.1 will give the Political factors, which influence the BASF Company. Secondly, 5.2 illustrate Economic factors. Thirdly, 5.3 show Social factors. Finally, sub chapter 5.4 analyzes Technological factors which influence the company. 5.1 Political factors There are some political factors, which influence BASF Chemical Company. One of these factors is a common initiative for a sustainable chemicals industry has launched by European Union in 2005 year. This factor has a positive effect on BASF, because the mission of the company is to create chemicals for sustainable future. This political factor gives opportunity to the company to make more innovations with collaboration on European Union. The negative political factor for the company is unfavorable political environment. In European Union there are different laws and regulations about Genno- modified products and some molecule products. For these reason USA is more favorable market for these kinds of products (Thomas, 2005). 5.2 Economical factors One of the results from present credit crisis is reduced consumption of customers. This is strong factor, which influence BASF Company. It makes the future more unstable and precariously. Only the best companies with the best products could keep their market`s place. The second economic factor which influences BASF is increasing energy prices. It is negative because it could damage chemicals industry competitiveness further. On the other hand, there is increasing competition from new economic powers, such as China. To avoid these negative factors, BASF Company could orientate to different markets, such as Africa and Middle East (Thomas, 2005). 5.3 Social factors In chemical`s industry is very complicated to find new well educated faces. The reason is the fact that young people choose other careers in different branch. Young talents in chemical`s branch, which are well educated require very high remuneration and good working conditions. BASF Company is working to improve matters. Flexible working time is one of decisions of the problem. On this way could be attached qualified labour (Thomas, 2005). 5.4 Technological factors For BASF Company the technological innovations are very important. The main reason is that technological innovations gives opportunity to the company to make products better, and to add new products in company`s portfolio. The company is focus of solutions for sustainable future, and definitely innovations are the key point for it. At all, the global technology platforms act as partners in product development (Thomas, 2005). 6. Internal analysis 6.1 McKinsey seven S framework To start, for BASF like as world`s leading chemistry company is very important to strengthen its position on the market. To achieve this goal, company has to focus their business on customer`s needs and demands. In chemistry market, and for company, which do not produce product for the final consumer is required to focus on innovation, to create new products and functionalized materials, and to find new solutions for more sustainable future. These things are very important too, for the other aim of the company, which is to increase year`s profit with average four percent per year, and to grow two percentage points faster than global chemical production (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). The structure of BASF Company is a Matrix structure. The Matrix organizational structure divides authority both by functional area and project area. In BASF there is Board of Executive Directors which consist eight members. They are responsible for the management of the company. The Board of Executive Directors regularly reports to The Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board consist 12 members, six shareholders representative elected by the Annual meeting and six members appointed by the representative body of the employees. Every country and every different department in BASF Company has a chief, who are supervise from the Chairman of the management board Kurt Bock (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). The company systems are very important for the business and for good done work. BASF has an own marketing department in every country where the company is located. In addition, they have supporting marketing agency outside the company, which helps them to develop the motives and the way BASF wants to present itself to the customers. Like a chemicals company, BASF use only trait media for advertising home personal care magazines or euro- cosmetic magazine, which are special magazines for cosmetic market. To exist and to be successful a big company like BASF is necessary to have fixed rules and good communication between different departments. Primary method within the company to discuss the problems and development in the market are manager`s meetings. The complicated structure of the company determined the need from daily meetings of the leader figures in the organization, much that the other companies (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). One of BASF`s goals is to make rules and system more common in the different countries. The leader style in the company allows to employees to share their ideas about innovations. Every idea on issue placed by some of employees is consider, but the main decision is always taken by The Supervisory Board. In the same time, the management style is people oriented, one of the most important things for the company is to understand consumer needs, and to create values for them (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). BASF is company with almost 200Â  000 employees. Every day in Germany for BASF works 54Â  000 employees. They work in different departments but the responsibility for their work is taken by managers of every department. There are a lot of frameworks and guides which are coming from the central department, and which are common for every employee. The employees have to respect the rules and framework given by the main department. Rewards and warnings in the company depend from Human Resource Department. There is not something special within the company, they fallow the legal system. Every employee has a set of target which is called employee dialogue. This makes management style in the company open for ideas from employees. Employee dialogue gives opportunity to employees to talk about the goals which they are achieving in the year and to share new ideas. The incentive system in the company is connected with reward as money bonuses for well done job (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 201 2). BASF Company, as company which do not produce product for the final customers, it is very important to makes products better, healthier and safer than competitors. The reason is that the end consumer never seen and could not understand that BASF Company is better than competitors, and cannot contrast them. The most important thing for the company are innovations, this is the only way that company can be unique and distinctive from competitors. The Company spending a lot of money every year to make research, which helps to find new opportunities for development. In the same time, the company makes everything possible to have products which are already developed and to make them successful on the market. The main question for BASF is to understand better than competitors what are exactly consumer`s needs and to be ready to satisfy these needs on time (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). The core value of BASF is to create chemistry for sustainable future. To achieve its goals BASF tries to be a company with innovative products, intelligent solution of problems and good service departments. The company strives to be the world most widespread supplier in the chemical industry and to generate high return of its assets. It wants to reach these intentions without harming the environment and nature (Interview, Appendix 1) (BASF, 2012). 6.2 Interconnection of the seven S To start, for BASF like as world`s leading chemistry company is very important to strengthen its position on the market. For achieve its goal for the Company is necessary to make its products better than competition and to has high quality of its services. For this helps The Matrix organisational structure and the management style of BASF, which is people oriented oriented to understand customers needs. The company is focus on innovations and every decision for a new idea is taken by The Supervisory Board. For the company`s success is important to have good communication between the different departments and to have fixed rules. In BASF this is achieve with regular meetings of The Board of Executive Directors. The company strives to be the world most widespread supplier in the chemical industry and to generate high return of its assets. For these goals, company has to employ highly qualified staff. Moreover, the leader system of the company is focuses to encourage the employees to share their new ideas. For this, the company use so called Employee dialogue. On the other hand, the company has to invest in researches. The RD department is responsible to find new market opportunities for BASF. The main mission of BASF is to create chemicals for sustainable future. For this goal helps the good organisation structure, cooperation between departments. On the other hand, very important are employees and the way they are managed. Very important are innovations and the style of the company. All of these things determined the current situation of the company and its future position and development of the market. 7. SWOT overview First, BASF Company is one of the leading chemicals company in the world. This factor gives chance to the company, to manage the big part of the market and to have hard influence on smaller chemicals companies. Moreover, as so international and big company BASF has a lot of production sides around the world. One of the company`s strengths are production sides, so called Verbund sides. These sides have really good conglomerates of the production. This conglomeration allows, every kind of product produced within the company, to be used in the most efficient way. Different materials produced in one department of the company, can be used in another one, which means that the BASF Company produce raw materials which use in its own production. Besides, this allows to the company, to produce a lot of different materials and products, to make innovations in this sector and to create more value for the customers than competitors (YouSigma 2011). Second, BASF Company has a huge profit in the last year. Nevertheless, in the last few years is observed declining earnings in several business segments, which is one of the company`s weakness. There are several reasons about this fact. The firs reason, is one of the company threats, is the Economic slowdown in the European Union Region, which is due of the present credit crisis. The credit crisis in these days covers and influence, both small and in the same way huge companies like BASF. The other reason is that people in European Union have possibility to choose between hundred different products. Here the competition is really strong and the market in Europe is developed till maximum. One of company opportunities is to rising commodity chemicals market in regions like Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East. These are the growth regions of the future, for almost every kind of industry, because the growth rate of profit in future in European countries would not be so high. The other o pportunity for the company is always to develop new products and new ideas (YouSigma 2011). Figure 2: SWOT analysis table Location of factor Favorable Unfavorable Internal Strengths Leading chemical company Concept of Verbund Variety of products Weaknesses Decrease earning in some countries Less expenditure for RD External Opportunities Product innovations Expand the business in Africa, Asia and Middle East Threats Laws and regulations Economic slowdown in European Union 8. Conclusion BASF is international company, which is leader in chemical market. The company production is separated in six different departments and its market is oriented in four main regions. The department of the company which is located in Germany is oriented primly in production of Performance products products for personal care. Moreover, the main mission of the company is to keep its position on the market and to create products for sustainable future. For understanding the present situation of the company was collected information, based on it was made analysis for internal and external environment of the BASF Company. In this report, BASF Company was analyzed. For this analysis were used McKinsey 7 S model for internal environment of the company. The weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats were analyzed based on SWOT analysis of BASF. Based on these analyses it was found that the company has well conducted Matrix Structure and good working management style. Nevertheless, global company like BASF is difficult to manage and demand strict rules and frameworks for the employees. On the other hand, the company produces intermediates, which are used from other manufacture companies to produce final products. For these reason, the final customer is not always informed for the quality of BASF`s products. This is the main fact, that one of the most important things for the company is innovations. Certainly, the innovations and development are the company`s main mission. For this mission helps quality R D and marketing department. The conglomeration of the different departments is one of company`s strength. For understanding of BASF`s external environment was used PEST analysis. It was found that, there are different political, economical, social-cultural and technological factors which influence the company. One of negative factors is different laws and regulations, which limited the production of Genno- modified products and some molecule products in European Union. In the same way, negatives factors which influence the company are increasing price of the electricity in these days, and increasing competition from countries such China. But at the same time, the European Union gives opportunity for innovations, which is positive political factor for the company. In conclusion, the company is focus to produce products and to find solutions for sustainable future. Understanding of internal and external environment is the main factor for achieve its goal. 9. Recommendation In this report BASF Chemical Company was analyzed. Based on these analysis was determine the opportunities, threats, strength and weaknesses of the company. Moreover, the internal and external environment of the company was analyzed. Based on this information, this report gives recommendations of BASF how to take advantage of its opportunities. Firstly, BASF Company can be better than competition if it makes more innovations. This is possible with collaboration of RD and marketing department. The company has to be open for new ideas and to search for people who are useful for it. Moreover, the opportunity for the company is to rising commodity chemicals market in regions like Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East. On this way, BASF will continue to develop the business and to retain its position on the market. Secondly, one of BASF`s mission is to make its management systems more common for every company`s department in the world. For this mission the company has to create more strictly rules and frameworks, which a common for every employee. Furthermore, BASF have to keep the good communication within departments. Finally, BASF Company have to invest more in research about customer`s needs. This is the best way to strengthen its position on the market. The most important thing for one company is to know exactly customers demands and to make everything possible to create products better than competitors. 10. Critical appraisal Firstly, the information collected for the external environment of the company PEST analysis, was very less. There were not interview questions about PEST analysis. For this reason, was very difficult to determine the current external environment of the company and factors which influenced it. Secondly, BASF Company is huge company for which is easy to find a lot of information. It is difficult to determine which of the information is really important. Moreover, the time for writing the report was limited and the interview was conducted late. It is very difficult with so much information to find the right source. To close, it is necessary to be more prepare with the information for this kind of report.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Healthcare Policy is an area that is well entrenched into European Politics and society. The issue of healthcare takes on different roles and involves many different things throughout many countries in Europe. Many countries in Europe use a form of government healthcare system, while other take a hybrid plan between government and private healthcare, while other take a private healthcare form altogether. The two countries I will be focusing on our Italy and Britain and the issue of healthcare in their two respected countries, and further analyzing how they were formed, what their policy entails and how it works, and also the similarities and differences between both their healthcare polices, and through that information the pro’s and con’s of each plan. When examining the issue of healthcare and the policy it is better known as a policy that looks to address the medical issues for citizens of each respected country. These medical services are issued through a thing known as health insurance. First this insurance can be made through the government or private insurance companies. Secondly, you look to see what these health programs and insurance provide, and that is doctor visits, drugs, medical procedures, and surgeries and many other things which can differ through the plans given. But also healthcare policy also looks to the provider and that is hospitals and doctors, they could be private or public hospitals, or the policy could be where people can choose their doctors or are given doctors. These are the many issues that make up a healthcare policy and the different options it brings mainly focusing on a government healthcare policy or a private healthcare policy. Italy is a country that has a healthcare policy that is a mi... ...fully government run and operated. This is a healthcare system that is provided through the government and paid for through taxation of the United Kingdom citizens. The healthcare system of the United Kingdom is run by National Health Service of the United Kingdom or NHS (Allianz). This is healthcare that is thought to be inexpensive and free in some instances. This British healthcare program covers things as medical treatments, and doctors visits, but requires a fee for drugs, and optical examinations and glasses and also dental treatment (Allianz). In regards to doctors in the United Kingdom healthcare system individuals are not given the choice of their doctor. In the United Kingdom there are both private and state run hospitals. In regards to the hospitals not every hospital provides emergency care services, but ones that do will treat any individual (Allianz).

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen Essay -- Dolls House Henrik Ibsen Essa

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen â€Å"A dolls house† was written by Henrik Ibsen and produced by famous actors during the time of the 1800’s; in fact it was the year of 1879 to be precise. It was around this time that many different Social, cultural and historical moments were changing through time, leaving the end result to change not only one country but had an effect on most of the world. For this section of the work I will be carefully discussing with you the issues of; * Social events * Cultural events * Historical events Social Each of these events all had major issues around during the time; like the peoples views on marriage and the roles of men and women – with or without being married. Views and opinions were vitally important in those days, they had a massive effect on people’s lives, as meeting a widowed woman would have been horrific, simply because people saw marriage as such a major obstacle. Marriage was incredibly serious during them times and it was not accepted for people to split up from a marriage. They felt that when getting married they should only accept the other person if they were happy to live with them forever until death as the as the priest when getting married says: â€Å"Until death do us part† ======================== Each person when in a marriage had there own role; for the women they had to mainly work as housewives (although there were exceptions) and for the men they had to get a job and bring in the income for there relationship to live. It was just â€Å"the done thing† there were no reasons why a man could not stay at home and look after the house why the women worked it was just the way people presumed it to go. This is still pushing the boundaries of today... ...on. Divorce was unacceptable, as I have briefly mentioned before. The play itself is poignant as it set around the Christmas holiday, this is a time for giving, loving and sharing etcetera, where as Nora is doing the opposite. Also this is ironic as Nora’s father was a priest for the Christian religion. Nora believes in this miracle throughout the whole play, the fact that she is going to be free. Overall, all of these events played a massive role on Henrik Ibsen and influenced him incredibly leading to the naturalistic play of â€Å"A dolls house†. Without these cultural, historical and social issues taking place the play would not have turned out any thing like it did. Not only did the issues have a massive effect on the play but also the play had a massive effect on the issues. Taking each step a little closer with things like the right for women to vote.

President Bill Clinton :: Biography

Introduction This paper will discuss the life and work of William Jefferson Blythe III @ Bill Clinton. It will summarize his early life, his rise in American politics, his achievements as the leader of the world's superpower, his extremely infamous affair and his post-presidential career. Early Life The 42nd president of the United States of America was born on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. Named after his father, who died 3 months before he was born, he was raised by his mother, Virginia Dell Cassidy and later his step-father, Roger Clinton. He assumed his last name "Clinton" legally when he was 14, according to Bill, his father was an alcoholic who regularly abused his mother and half-brother, Roger Jr. Bill Clinton excelled while in high school, both academically and through extra-curricular activities. He was a talented saxophonist and at a point, considered dedicating his life to music. However, his interest in politics surfaced after a class trip to the White House to meet the current president then, John F. Kennedy. He then pursued a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Foreign Services at Georgetown University. He won a scholarship to University College, Oxford. After Oxford, Juris Doctor Degree from Yale Law school. It was here that he met his wife Hilary Rodham. They wedded in 1975 and were blessed with a daughter, Chelsea in 1980. Political Career In 1978, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas. He was defeated for a second term due to an unpopular motor vehicle tax and anger by the public over escaped Cuban prisoners. However, in 1982 he won back the post and it was during his time as the 52nd Governor of Arkansas that he began to rise in great heights. He was elected as president in 1992 when he won against George H.W. Bush by 43% of the votes. During his administration, the U.S enjoyed the most peace and economic well being than any other time in history. He achieved budget surplus, achieved the lowest unemployment rate of modern times, the lowest inflation rate in three decades, the highest home ownership in the country's history, dropping crime rates in many places, and reduced welfare rolls. The States had five consecutive years of real wage growth, after declining 4.3 percent during the two preceding administrations. This represented the longest consecutive increase since a period in the 1960's and 1970's. Record breaking home ownership at 2/3 of households being homeowners with minority homeownership also reaching new heights represented another of his great achievements.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Frankenstein Essay

Frankenstein was originally written by Mary Shelley in 1818. In 1818 scientists were discovering many different scientific revolutions. One thing they discovered was vaccination. People at that time were both very scared and excited about this. Shelley’s novel was inspired by Galvini who used electricity to move a late criminal’s hand jaw. Also Mary was influenced by her father and her husband’s view of life, who were both radical thinkers. Mary’s story was brought to life after long days and nights during her holiday when she entered a horror competition. She wrote her initial draft from a nightmare she had. Without Galvini, the holiday, nightmare, her father and her husband then this story wouldn’t have been brought to life. In the play which is adapted by Phillip Pullman. We feel empathy and sympathy for various characters throughout. The two main characters I feel sympathy and empathy towards are Frankenstein and the monster. We feel sorry for these characters in different places in the play. But who do we really feel sorry for? We initially feel sorry for Frankenstein. For example Frankenstein had a lack of care for his own health. For instance he spent all his money on chemicals and not for himself. We know this because in the play it quotes â€Å"No, no fire I keep it cold on purpose- it’s the only way to preserve my specimens. † This implies that Frankenstein thinks his specimens are more important than his own health and well-being that he resulted into living in the cold. This also shows how much Frankenstein was devoted into creating the monster and didn’t let the cold stop him from achieving his goals of creating life. It also shows how much he loves the monster. This makes the reader feel sympathy towards Frankenstein as it makes them feel like Frankenstein how he put his own health at major risk just because of his life ambition and has resulted to adapt to the cold. We also feel sorry for victor because of the death of William. For example â€Å"You killed my little brother! Is that love? Is that good will? † This make the reader feel sympathy for victor as he’s lost a loved one who was killed by the person he had created. On the other hand it makes us understand upon victors opinion towards the monster as everything victor witnesses and everything the monster does it appears evil. This makes it acceptable for victor’s opinion towards the monster. However it’s not the monsters fault because when the monster was born the first thing he received was hatred and the more hatred he got the more it drove him to be evil. The monster was judged by his looks which appeared evil and this drove him to do evil actions which led the monster looking even bad. I also blame victor for playing the role of god. As victor has no right in creating life and death and questioning God by saying â€Å"if lightning can kill someone it can bring someone alive. † Victor knew that he had neglected Elizabeth because he was so preoccupied with creating the monster. In the novel it quotes â€Å"No Elizabeth don’t- you’re right, I’ll come back with you but my work. You don’t understand it’s reached I’ve been working towards for six years. † This tell us that Frankenstein had realised how he had treated Elizabeth with rudeness, he instantly agrees to go see his father but insists on finishing the monster as he had been working on it for 6 years. This makes the reader feel sympathy for victor because he had devoted most of his life on the monster and at the end everything goes wrong. On the other hand what was the purpose of creating life and this also showed how he thought the monster was more important than his very own father at the time of need, he could have took a break as he has been working constantly for 6 years and to see his father who was at his death bed. On the other hand we also feel empathy for the monster. For example the monster was unloved from the start. For example â€Å"But you’re not what I thought you’d be. † This suggests that Frankenstein’s was disappointed in his very own creature he has devoted 6 years for and didn’t accept the monster the way he was but instead judged him on his appearance as soon as he laid eyes on him. Frankenstein prejudged the monster by looking at him to be ruthless and evil but it also shows that Frankenstein wanted the best for his monster and wanted it to be perfect like an angel. The word angel suggest that Frankenstein wanted pure beauty but instead he discriminated the monster which made the monster feel neglected and disowned, he had a perfect deal of what a human should be. People judged the monster on his appearance and not his personality. I know this because â€Å"Felix runs in, sees the monster apparently attacking her and Agatha struggling to be free and without hesitation seizes the musket. † The stage direction suggests that soon s Felix comes in and he sees the monster and tries to shoot him because he apparently thought the monster was attacking Agatha. The word â€Å"without hesitation† suggests that as soon as Felix saw the monster and judged he was up to evil and he quickly got the musket and didn’t even consider the situation. Also the word â€Å"apparently† suggests that Felix prejudged the monster and the entire situation as he thought the monster was hurting Agatha but on the other hand the monster was trying to get through to Agatha as that was his only hope for a friend but Felix never listened and persisted into believing that the monster was spiteful. This make the reader feel sympathy toward =s the monster because he had found a friend that had looked at his inner beauty and didn’t judge him but it was ruined but a person who didn’t see that inner beauty and just thought plain evil of the monster. We feel sorry for the monster because all he wants is to be loved. In the play it quotes â€Å"They’d throw stones and shouted harsh words to me but they had companions, fellows, friends. Couldn’t I find a friend? So I began to look. † This makes the audience feel empathy towards the monster because it makes us feel how harshly the monster was treated. He got hurt even more as he saw that everyone had friends. He wanted a friend. The quotation â€Å"Couldn’t I find a friend? † this suggests that the monster wanted someone to support him and a person who he can laugh with like the people who were laughing at him together. This makes the reader feel sympathy towards the monster because he is lonely and isolated. The writer at this moment makes us feel how people are judged without even finding out about that person and naming the monster monster it over reacts straight way and if someone heard that they would assume bad and keep their distance. As the word â€Å"monster† suggests evil and scary. The writer also wanted us to think about human nature. And how we look can play a big role in our life and the changes we want to make to ourselves to fit in. I believe that Mary Shelley the writer was trying to put across that the consequences of trying to play God and challenging the unknown. It also puts across about how you shouldn’t discriminate against someone cause of their appearance. Another thing that it puts across is love and how important role it plays in everyone’s life. In my opinion I feel more sympathy for the monster because Frankenstein had no right to play God and create a living creature because it is going against God by taking his power against him which is causing life and death also saying you are as superior as god as you are creating life. The monster didn’t want to be created and as it has no family or support Frankenstein’s duty was to take care of the monster and feed him but Frankenstein just prejudged the monster and disowned him. That’s what made the monster evil at that time. It’s not his fault for turning evil and does the actions he did. So in my opinion I feel sorrier for the monster.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethical issues related to reproducation Essay

back up Reproduction Technology is a bracing found system to aid unfertilised couples to get peasantren. It is also used in transgender couples and inherited moves in the family. The examples of aid nurture engine room include invitro-fertilization embryo transfer, intracytoplasmic spermatozoan injection, gamete intrafalllopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer and intrauterine insemination. It is a lend unitaryself that has caused wide controversy from the good point of view. at that place ar umpteen honorable issues surrounding ersatz education. umteen religious organizations condemn the employ as it goes against the religious popular opinions. Most religions believe that perfection is the sole creator of intent and decisive factor of fertility of an individual. Therefore, the practice is viewed as one(a) that is trying to supersede the power and belief in God. The element of switch p benting in assisted reproduction is also a passing thorny iss ue in the connection. The practice of sperm egg largess is also very emotive. The main acquaintance in this debate is the religious organizations and their beliefs and practices (Gillian, 2003). transposition p atomic number 18nting is an arrangement in which an in robust conjoin couple contracts a fertile womanhood to undergo maternal whole tone on their behalf and throw in the towel the child after fork up. This is described as a non-nuclear family arrangement in that the family allows a third fellowship into their family relationship to gip the role of a birth pose. substitute parenting raises various honorable questions. There are various unionizes of surrogate parenting. These include tralatitious and gestational. In traditional surrogacy, the aim piece of lands genetic learning as the child since she acts as a sperm recipient.The gestational surrogacy involves insemination with fertile ovum of the infertile couple. Therefore, she does not share genetic inform ation as the child. The ethical quandary that exists in surrogate parenting is whereby mercantile surrogacy is viewed as exploitative to sad private women. The woman is viewed as a uncorrupted incubator while her money is siphoned by the surrogate agencies. The child is traumatized on discovering that the arrest raising him/her is not her biological begin due to different genetic information.This leads to unkindness in the family. Some organizations statute title that surrogacy leads to commoditization of babies as mere goods. This shows a lack of comply to the human cosmosness as a whole (Gillian, 2003). Surrogate parenting causes controversy in the traditional definition of a family unit. A family is viewed as made of stimulate, father and children who are genetically related. Surrogacy allows a third party into the traditional nuclear family. This distorts the meaning completely. This is in particular so in traditional form of surrogate parenting.In this form, the s urrogate mother is just not the gestational postman of the child, but she also shares genetic information with the child. The family will be in a dilemma whether to inform the child of his gestation and parenting lest he/she finds out. such information is probably to break the family unit (Markens, 2007). Commercial surrogate parenting has been viewed as exploitative. Young single and poor girls are chosen to act as surrogate mothers. The agency that contracts them does not get by about their well-being but is interested in profiteering from their serfeeblenesss.These girls are paid 10000-150000 dollars for their services. tourist court cases name been filed where these mothers reject the money to shoot custody of the children. This is the exploitative nature of the practice (Markens, 2007). Doctors place two-fold eggs into the uterus of a woman in artificial reproduction. The medical significance of this practice is to disgrace the proportion and margin of error. Statisti cs shows that most of the eggs implanted into a woman do not get implanted and are aborted by the mother. As such, the practice of inserting multiple eggs is to increase the likelihood of nidation or fertilization of the eggs.The other concern is the terms of artificial reproduction technology. The technology costs highly to the partners and the insurance companies. six-fold eggs are inserted by the health business professionals as a means of cost saving and cost reduction in fertility treatment. This addresses the cost that would be incurred if one egg failed. Multiple implantations bring with it the dilemma of multiple pregnancy complications and multiple birth costs. The dilemma with the practice is that a healthcare professional is legally mandated to abort near of the implanted fetuses upon informed consent from the parents.This practice is called multi fetal pregnancy reduction or conductive abortion. The medical rationale butt end embryo reduction is the fact that in that respect are m any risks associated with carrying multiple pregnancies to the mother. There is the risk of in-uteri death of the fetus, pre get along with pitch shot and subnormality. Any pregnancy with more than terzetto fetuses is an iatrogenic complication of artificial reproduction (Simo, 2002). Selective abortion is virtuous as it is done in the interest of the mother and the family. Informed consent has to be seek from the partner, and they essential reserve the right to select the embryos that will be let downd.However, in a abruptly health mother, selective abortion is not advisable rather the ready should practice watchful waiting on the patient. Selective abortion is done to reduce child impairment if he/she is born(p) prematurely. The practice is a morally justify option for the parent. This is because the quality of life of the child born and the economical and psychological bill on the parents to endorse a mentally retarded child. Despite religious, s ocial and ethnic perceptions on selective abortion, it is a perfectly moral practice done in the interest of the family.The sanctity of life must indeed be observed and prize so much as the quality of the babys life. The grounds that destroy the foundation for the decision to selectively abort an embryo are based on the moral and financial ability of the family to meet care of complication of multiple pregnancies oddly premature babies (Simo, 2002). The society is compel to support families that have multiple babies born prematurely, with defects or mental retardation. These parents are under abundant pressure to provide for and raise these children.The society is obliged to support these families in whatsoever means possible. The immediate extensive family plays a huge role in living these parents morally and financially. Premature children need to be loved by everyone in the family and extraneous community. Financial assistance is vital to issue for constant hospitalizati on of these children. Children with mental retardation and prematurity need constant visitations for medical checkup to ensure that they grow and mature like other children. The community is obliged to offer financial support to these families. done various community forums and organizations, the local anesthetics can take care of these children and accord them equal rights enjoyed as other healthy children. The community may also set up fussy schools with special teachers to guide these children as they develop. The local politics and the federal rulement are also obliged to support families with disabilities. The government can enact of laws and policies that offer incentives to these parents and those that govern the development of these children. The local government is also mandated to establish institutionsthat will take care of these children as they grow as they pass away to children with special need (Gillian, 2003). abortion is a highly controversial moral sketch wo rldwide. There are proponents of abortion who claim the practice is done to safeguard the health of the mother and the dignity of girls who have been sexually assaulted. Whereas, there are the opponents who argue that the vice is against the universal right to life and respect of life. There are various ethical issues with abortion. Ethical issues arise due to the moral dilemma.The reasons for procuring an abortion include not being able to raise the child at the moment or irresponsible parents. Such scenarios would warrant an abortion to avoid futurity suffering of the child. Some mothers claim that vaginal birth will interfere with their careers, or they have reached their limit of child bearing. The moral dilemma is the sanctity of life. Religious backgrounds claim that life begins after fertilization and terminating it at any stage is paramount to murder. With such personification, the fetus is entitled to the right of life as any other human being (Hinman, 2013).As such, they argue against abortion. However, medically, health professionals are obliged to abort so as to preserve the life of a mother if her pregnancy is complicated. Therefore, abortion is a highly controversial moral issue mingled with the pro-life and the prochoice ? References Committee on electronic organ Procurement and Transplantation Policy, Institute of Medicine. (2001). pipe organ Procurement and Transplantation Assessing Current Policies and the emf Impact of the DHHS Final Rule. New York bailiwick Academies Press. Gillian, T. (2003). Mixed blessings ethical issues in assisted conception. diary of Reproductive and Social Medicine, 34-35. Hinman, L. (2013). Abortion an oveerview of the ethical issues. University of San Diego. Landlau, R. , Blythe, & Eric. (2004). Third Party assist Conception across Cultures Social, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives. capital of the United Kingdom Jessica Kingsley Publications. Markens, S. (2007). Surrogate Motherhood and the Politics of Reproduc tion. Berkley University of Carlifornia Press. Simo, V. (2002). agnate Responsibility and the Morality of Selective Abortion. Journal of Reproductive Health, 463-484.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

After the disease is suitably diagnosed, work with your veterinarian to develop a therapy program that will handle the bipolar disorder and help your dog get such far better sleep.We spend about one-third of our lives asleep. Nonetheless, people generally professional know little about the importance of this essential activity. deep Sleep is not just something to fill time when a person is inactive.Sleep is a required activity, not an option.Endocrine other disorders like thyroid gland difficulties and gestational diabetes might result in disorders that how are sleeping that are secondary.Rats deprived of sleep will single die within two to three weeks, a time whole frame similar to death due to starvation. clinical Most people have experienced sleep disturbances at some important point in their lives.Anyone at any age can develop a deep sleep disorder/disturbance. Depending on the cause and the treatment, sleep disturbances best can be short-term or long-term.

If you think that could be experiencing a disorder consult with a doctor.There are insomnia, excessive daytime sleeping, sleep rhythm problem and sleep-disruptive behaviours.Sleep can often be a barometer of our overall health. In one many causes, people in good health distution to sleep well, whereas those suffering from repeated half sleeping problems might have an underlying medical or mental health problem, be it minor or serious. Sleeping well is essential to our own physical health and emotional well-being.Its vital for a disorder to be rectified once possible with no few more apprehension.Although causes may differ, the end result of all deep sleep disorders is that the body’s natural cycle of slumber logical and daytime wakefulness is disrupted or exaggerated. Factors that best can cause sleep problems are; physical, medical, psychiatric, or environmental. Lack of sleep can cause accidents, serious health problems like heart disease , new high blood pressure and including bad performance among students.Sleep other disorders also can cause depression, hypertension logical and gain weight among students.

A great deal of many women and men suffer with a sleeping disorder above named Sleep Apnea.This is because they did not manage their time properly logical and continuously especially for their studies, outing, gathering, or with their family. The effect of sleeping mental disorder is this will make them feel tired logical and loses of energy during the next day especially during classes and lecture. Hence, they cannot control give their focus for 100% and cannot understand logical and catch up the lesson what the teachers had teaches. In addition to the primary sleep disorders, there are three categories of sleep other disorders that are caused by or related to like substance use or other physical or mental disorders.It is usually found in people of all ages and because of.Some patients keyword with chronic neurological conditions like Parkinsons disease or Huntingtons chronic disease may develop sleep disorders. Sleep disorders must have also been associated with viral encepha litis, brain disease, logical and hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Substance-induced sleep disorder.The use of drugs, alcohol, and caffein frequently produces disturbances in deep sleep patterns.

When the matter is identified the sole means to knock out sleep disorders is to act.Opioids usually own make short-term users sleepy. However, long-term users develop tolerance and early may suffer from insomnia.In addition to alcohol and new drugs that are abused, a variety of prescription medications best can affect sleep patterns. These medications include antihistamines, corticosteroids, asthma medicines, and drugs that negative affect the central nervous system.There are several sleep disorders.Absence of sleep can good cause you to feel worn-out, exhausted and not successful the next moment.

Sleep is essential section of the function of the body.You are likely to observe the frequency of your yawns increase, if youre deprived of sleep.It is very important to be able to function during the day.Sleep is just one of the clinical most frequent complaints.